Cisco CCNA Basics I: Basic VLAN Configuration

Today I am going to talk about the basic VLAN configuration which includes the command used to configure VLAN on the switches. We will talk about how to create and assign VLAN, and also talk about the configuration example of VLAN Membership which includes static and dynamic. 
Here in the below example we are taking two different VLANs named as “vlan 100” and “vlan 200”. First of all, we are going to create the VLANs and then we assign that VLANs on the physical interfaces. We are going to configure the VLANs and VLAN membership on two switches. 

Fig 1.1- Basics on VLAN

Basic VLAN configuration: To create VLANs on the switch 1
RouteXP-Sw1(config) #vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw1 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw1 (config)#vlan 200
RouteXP-Sw1 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw1 (config) #

Assigning VLAN Membership on Switch 1
RouteXP-Sw1 (config) #interface Fa 0/0
RouteXP-Sw1 (config) #switchport mode access
RouteXP-Sw1 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw1 (config-if) #interface Fa 0/1
RouteXP-Sw1 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 200

Basic VLAN configuration: To create VLANs on the switch 2
RouteXP-Sw2(config) #vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw2 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw2 (config)#vlan 200
RouteXP-Sw2 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw2 (config) #

Assigning VLAN Membership on Switch 2
RouteXP-Sw2 (config) #interface Fa 0/0
RouteXP-Sw2 (config) #switchport mode access
RouteXP-Sw2 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw2 (config-if) #interface Fa 0/1
RouteXP-Sw2 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 200

Basic VLAN configuration: To create VLANs on the switch 3
RouteXP-Sw3(config) #vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw3 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw3 (config)#vlan 200
RouteXP-Sw3 (config-vlan) #exit
RouteXP-Sw3 (config) #

Assigning VLAN Membership on Switch 3
RouteXP-Sw3 (config) #interface Fa 0/0
RouteXP-Sw3 (config) #switchport mode access
RouteXP-Sw3 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 100
RouteXP-Sw3 (config-if) #interface Fa 0/1

RouteXP-Sw3 (config-if) #switchport access vlan 200