Introduction to DLP: Data Loss Prevention
May be you heard a lot about DLP whenever you have discussion in security. Today I am going to talk about the DLP and the purpose of DLP in this article. So DLP so called as Data Loss Prevention is a technologies which achieve both content inspection and contextual analysis of data sent via messaging applications such as email and instant messaging, in gesture over the network, in use on a admirative endpoint device, and on-premises file servers or in cloud applications and cloud storage.
These resolutions perform replies built on policy and rules well-defined to address the hazard of unintentional or unplanned disclosures, or spotlight of delicate information outside official networks.
Accepting the alterations among content awareness and contextual analysis is important to understand any DLP solution in its fullness. A beneficial way to consider of the differentiation is if content is a letter, context is the covering.
While content awareness includes apprehending the covering and examining inside it to examine the content, context comprises external features such as header, size, format, etc., whatever that doesn’t comprise the content of the letter.
Fig 1.1- DLP |
The indication after content awareness is that while we want to use the context to gain more information on the content, we don’t want to be classified to a single context.
When we talk about the DLP data loss prevention, It is generally distributed into two groups and these groups are Enterprise DLP and Integrated DLP. While Enterprise DLP resolutions are inclusive and bundled in representative software for desktops and servers, physical and virtual appliances for supervising networks and email traffic, or soft appliances for data discovery.
While on the other hand, the Integrated DLP is inadequate to secure web gateways (SWGs), secure email gateways (SEGs), email encryption products, enterprise content management (ECM) platforms, data sorting gears, data discovery gears and cloud access security brokers (CASBs).
Do Enterprises need DLP and what are the major use cases of DLP used in the Enterprises ?
Data loss prevention resolves problems that are common pain points for many enterprises and these issues are personal information security or compliance, intellectual property (IP) protection, and data visibility.
Personal Information security and Compliance: Organization should gather and accumulate Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), or payment card information (PCI) and if it is the case then enterprises should more than likely subject to compliance regulations, such as HIPAA (for PHI) and GDPR (for personal data of EU residents), that need you to defend your clients delicate information. DLP can recognize, organize, and label delicate information and inspect actions and actions surrounding that information. Reporting abilities deliver the particulars desirable for compliance audits.
IP Safety: Organization should have significant intellectual property and occupation or state secrets that could put your organization’s financial health and brand image at risk if lost or stolen. DLP resolutions like Digital Guardian that use context-based sorting can organize intellectual property in both structured and unstructured arrangements. With policies and controls in place, you can defend against unsolicited exfiltration of this information.
Information Visibility: Organization looking for to gain added visibility into data movement and a comprehensive enterprise DLP answer can help you see and pathway your information on endpoints, networks, and the cloud. This will deliver you with visibility into how individual users within your organization interact with information.