Introduction to Basic Cisco Router Configuration

Today we are going to talk about the basic configuration of Cisco router. We know there are so many parameters to configure and we will take some of them in this article. Starting with the basic configuration on the global parameters in the router.

First, we are going to change the hostname of the router with the name xproute_Router and then enabling secret password followed by disabling router from unfamiliar words into IP addresses.

Fig 1.1- Cisco Routers

Configuring Global Parameters
Router> enable
Router # configure terminal
Router (config)#hostname Routexp_Router //Change the router name now 
xproute_Router (config)# enable secret NBCorp
xproute_Router (config)# no ip domain-lookup

Configuring Command-Line Access
xproute_Router > enable
xproute_Router # configure terminal
xproute_Router (config)# line console 0
xproute_Router (config-line) # password 8drs23kdw90
xproute_Router (config-line) # login
xproute_Router (config-line) # exec-timeout 5 30
xproute_Router (config-line) # exit
xproute_Router (config)# line vty 0 4
xproute_Router (config-line) # password rdsf1k452

Configuring Interface on the router
xproute_Router > enable
xproute_Router # configure terminal
xproute_Router (config)# interface Ga 0/1
xproute_Router (config-if) # ip address // IPv4 address
xproute_Router (config-if) # ipv6 address 2001.db8: ffff:1/128 //IPv6 address
xproute_Router (config-if) # no shutdown
xproute_Router (config-if) # exit

Configuring a Loopback interface on the router
xproute_Router > enable
xproute_Router # configure terminal
xproute_Router(config)# interface Loopback 0
xproute_Router (config-if) ip address
xproute_Router (config-if) # exit

Configuring Static routes on the router
xproute_Router > enable
xproute_Router # configure terminal
xproute_Router (config)# ip route Fa0/1 (Exit Interface)
xproute_Router (config)# ip route (Other end IP address)
xproute_Router (config)# end

For Dynamic routing configuration, We will take every routing protocol one by one to tell you how to configure on the Cisco router.