Basic Configuration of RIPv2 dynamic routing protocol on Cisco Router

Today we are going to talk about the basic configuration of Dynamic Routing Protocol -RIP on Cisco router. We know there are so many parameters to configure and we will take some of them in this article. Starting with the basic configuration on the RIP-Routing Information protocol in the router.

First, we are going to change the hostname of the router with the name ConfigXP_Router and then enabling secret password followed by disabling router from unfamiliar words into IP addresses.

Then we will start configuring the Dynamic Routing Protocol- RIP with the v2. Putting two networks in the RIPv2 routing protocol and then disable auto summary. Disables automatic summarization of subnet routes into network-level routes allows sub prefix routing information to pass across classful network boundaries.

Below is the basic configuration to configure RIP- Routing Information Protocol on Cisco router with two networks as described above.

Fig 1.1- RIP Topology
RIP-Routing Information Protocol Basic Configuration

Router> enable
Router # configure terminal
Router (config)# hostname RouteXP_Router //Change the router name now 
RouteXP_Router (config)# router rip //configuring RIP
RouteXP_Router (config)# version 2 //RIPv2
RouteXP_Router (config-router) # network //1stNetwork
RouteXP_Router (config-router) # network //2ndnetwork
RouteXP_Router (config-router) # no auto-summary

RouteXP_Router (config-router) # end