Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Container platform

Today I am going to talk about Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform which helps to manage and control kubernetes environment in the enterprise infrastructure which can be on-prem or cloud-based solution. 

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform knobs cloud-native and old-fashioned applications on a single platform. Containerize and manage enterprise existing applications, develop with own timeline, and work faster with new, cloud-native applications.

Red Hat OpenShift offers teams self-service to reliable infrastructure across enterprise organization, from development through production.Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform compromises trusted, proven Kubernetes on any infrastructure. 

Get steadiness and control everywhere that Red Hat Enterprise Linux runs.Security is incorporated throughout OpenShift, from infrastructure to services, and throughout the operations and application lifecycle.

Fig 1.1- Red Hat OpenShift Container platform

What are the various features of Red Hat OpenShift Container platform?
There are many features supporting the OpenShift Container platform which includes automates the provisioning, management and scaling applications so that we can focus on writing the code for our business. 
  • Red Hat OpenShift comprises pre-created quick start application guides that permit to build and deploy favorite application frameworks, databases, and more in a click.
  • OpenShift offers access to a private database instance with full control. Choose between classic relational and modern NoSQL datastores comprising MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, and SQLite.
  • Developers can build applications, integrate with other systems, orchestrate using rules and processes, and deploy across hybrid environments.
  • OpenShift permits to take benefit of a great group of Docker-formatted Linux containers. From enterprise-ready containers in Red Hat Container Catalog to community registries such as Docker Hub, OpenShift's ability to work directly with the Docker API helps it unlock a new world of content for your developers.
  • Simply perform a "git push" to build and deploy your containerized application.It creates ready to run images by injecting application source into a container image and collecting a new image. The new image incorporates the base image (the builder) and built source and is ready to use with the docker run command.
  • With OpenShift's built-in support for port forwarding, you can tightly interconnect with your pods and make it perform as if the services on your pods are running on your own machine.
  • The OpenShift platform comprises with a console developer interface and a responsive UI design so that it can be simply viewed on devices ranging from mobile smart phones and tablets to laptop and desktop workstations. Developers can create, modify, and manage their applications and related resources from within the web console.

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
OpenShift comprises Kubernetes for container orchestration and management. OpenShift adds developer and operations-centric tools that enable Rapid application development, Easy deployment and scaling with Long-term life-cycle maintenance for teams and applications. 

It built around a standardized container model powered by Red Hat application programming interfaces (APIs) for Docker, applications created on OpenShift can easily run anywhere that supports Docker-formatted containers.