Introduction to Cisco AppDynamics : Real-time analytics in your Network

Today I am going to talk about one of the excellent real time analytics tool and provides us insights about the application performance in the network. Maximum enterprises across the Globe belief application performance management solution to help their management to focus on what matters most and it will help production apps always perform, even in the most complex multi-cloud environments.

With the help of AppDynamics, you can get extremely well-organized APM monitors every line of code, and instantaneously delivers the appropriate and significant data to the customers who demand to rapidly resolve concerns, make user capability enhancements, and guarantee that apps continuously meet employee or customer performance expectations.

With the AppDynamics, you can have a performance management resolutions are developed on and powered by the App iQ Platform, developed over many years of empathetic complex enterprise applications. The App iQ platform structures six proprietary performance engines that give clients the capability to succeed in that complication.

Fig 1.1- AppDynamics Insights

How Agent and controller work in the AppDynamics ?
Agents sit through complete application ecosystem and accompanying infrastructure, notifying controllers of real-time performance. Agents send performance data to controllers, and your application performance is visualized through the controller UI.

AppDynamics auto determines the logical flow of all traffic requirements in environment and dynamically generates a topology map to visualize performance across the application ecosystem.

Through machine learning, we can automatically produce a baseline for each metric. AppDynamics baselines describe what is normal for application. Alerts are spontaneously triggered when irregularities happen.

Out of the box troubleshooting proficiencies help to sense and remediate problems. Transaction Snapshots are taken only when performance irregularities occur to guarantee no influence to construction performance.

AppDynamics collected transaction and end user data brings real-time application analytics for real-time business performance monitoring.

With the help of AppDynamics, you can get accurate real-time visibility into all your distributed applications with AppDynamics APM:
  • Unified view of application performance and user experience
  • Insight into code dependencies and resource utilization
  • Consistent baseline of technical and business metrics
  • Detect issues quickly and simulate user experience during each migration phase
  • Monitor and optimize application and business performance
  • Easily compare pre and post move baselines from a technical and business perspective with Business iQ